Monday, January 19, 2009

1/18/2009 - Torrents

Well, at least the weather forecast is accurate within 24 hours. Woke this AM to buckets of rain and a bit of wind. As the cost to stay was only NZ$13, not a bad day to just relax and take care of some stuff I've been needing to do online.

By noon, most of the rain has passed over. More sun than rain. I bike into town (about 2 miles) and wander a bit, grabbed some Thai food (I have discovered a love for Thai curry). The banana split I eat afterwards is not exactly the best choice after curry, sort of like drinking milk and then brushing your teeth. Oh, well.

Ended up spending hours on the internet setting up my upcoming Tasmania trip (plane, ferry, Australian visa, etc).

I am pretty wiped, and don't take any pictures (bad me) until I make it to the Pak n Save grocery store.

IMGP1349.JPGSeriously? Your only pictorial memory of Rotorua via this blog will be lamb and mint chips. I promise that the city is one of the most beautiful in New Zealand - look back at the last time I went through Rotorua for more.

Back to the campground, kick back, and crash. Easy day. Off to Whakatane tomorrow, just over 50 miles.


  1. Looks like fun...a giant American roaming New Zeland! Have a good time!


  2. Hi Ryan, I am the son of Karl and Bron Ellmers, the little boy in the picture up there. It was a nice surprise to find your blog and see that you guys remember us!! My email is and my mum and dads is Ok, hope all is well, from James Ellmers


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